Amberley Fire Brigade Swim For Hope

$17,182 of $100,000 goal
Given by 138 generous donors in around 5 months

Helping our youth keep their heads above water

Amberley, Canterbury

We are extremely excited to announce an event coming February 24th, 2024,

In partnership with I Am Hope, we plan to swim in the Amberley pool for 24 hours to raise money and awareness for this amazing cause!

Why you ask?

Its more than just a daring feat of aquatic endurance, it is about our shared concern for the mental well-being of the youth in our community and throughout New Zealand.

As volunteer firefighters for Fire and Emergency New Zealand, we find ourselves responding frequently to Purple calls. These are call outs where immediate medical response is required. All too often these call outs are preventable, if people are able to access the right support when they need it the most.

I Am Hope does this by providing free counselling for individuals under 25. With Mike King, they also tour and speak at schools, working to normalise the mental health conversation and drive positive societal attitudinal change.

Please get in behind us and show your support by donating today

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Latest donations

Stokes Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade
Stokes Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade on 03 Apr 2024
Awesome work for an Awesome cause
Otematata  Volunteer Fire Brigade
Otematata Volunteer Fire Brigade on 22 Mar 2024
Well done everyone. From Otematata Volunteer Fire Brigade
Luggate fire brigade
Luggate fire brigade on 11 Mar 2024
Well done team, Luggate volunteer fire brigade.
Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigade
Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigade on 10 Mar 2024
Amazing mahi by our Amberley brother and sisterhood. For such a great cause too. Well done team. You’re an inspiration to all. From your pals at Rolleston Volunteer Fire Brigade.
Fi on 09 Mar 2024
I worked at the fundraiser, and wanted to give a little back for the cause and to acknowledge all you do! Nicely done Amberley fire station!

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This campaign started on 1 Dec 2023 and ended on 15 Apr 2024.