Anderson Lloyd Relay For Life Team

$5,021 of $2,000 goal
Given by 20 generous donors in 12 weeks

We are raising funds as part of the 2015 Dunedin Relay for Life. Please help us raise money for the Cancer Society!


Cancer affects one in three New Zealanders at some stage in their lives. Despite the massive improvements in detection and treatment, it remains the leading cause of death in NZ. Because so many of us have seen a friend or family member affected by cancer, we know what a devastating impact the illness can have.

Fortunately the Cancer Society is there to help – from day one. The Cancer Society provides information when it is so desperately needed as written books, pamphlets, online, and person-to-person. The Cancer Society helps people attend treatments and appointments by providing drivers when people just can’t face it themselves. They provide accommodation for people who live out of town but need to stay in Dunedin for weeks on end for long treatments.

The Cancer Society runs workshops like “look good feel better” to lessen the impact that an illness or treatment can have on the body. They run workshops to help people get back to normal again once their intensive treatment phase is over. And of course they invest incredibly heavily in home-grown research to push the frontiers of medical research and supportive care.

All of this is done through the support of the community and through charitable support – not large corporate grants or government hand-outs.

The Cancer Society needs our help so they can keep going with their mission, which is to serve our community and lessen the impact of this major illness today, tomorrow, and for the future.

Kelsi Anderson's involvement (page creator)

We will be participating in the Dunedin Relay on 7-8 March 2015 at the Forsyth Barr Stadium.

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Participating in

Relay For Life Dunedin 2015

Relay For Life Dunedin 2015

Latest donations

Anderson Lloyd
Anderson Lloyd on 07 Mar 2015
Adrian and Deborah Wells
Adrian and Deborah Wells on 07 Mar 2015
Lou and Max Simmers
Lou and Max Simmers on 07 Mar 2015
Go Team Anderson Lloyd!
Anne on 06 Mar 2015
wow you guys have done well :)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Mar 2015
Go tigers
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Dec 2014 and ended on 9 Mar 2015.