Shaving my beard of awesome off for a good cause

$1,005 of $1,500 goal
Given by 36 generous donors in 4 weeks

I have a beard, I'm quite attached to it, I've been persuaded to shave it all off for a good cause.


It all started over a couples of tasty beverages after work one Friday, as these sort of things often do. Whilst discussing Movember, my manager suggested that perhaps I could do a bit of a reverse beard sacrifice, and shave it all off at the end of the month to raise come money. Whilst I'm quite attached to my beard, and I tragically suffer from looking 12 years old when clean shaven, I readily agreed because it's a bloody good cause. So there you have it. Because I'm not doing a traditional "Movember" challenge the funds will be split amongst the Movember Foundation, Child Cancer, and Prostate Cancer.

Andrew Gall's involvement (page creator)

I'm going to be shaving my precious off!

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I'm beardless.  30 November 2016

So the deed is done! Photo of me with the my colleagues who were doing the normal Movember, and a video of my manager shaving it all off. Thanks for your support folks, we've raised a lot of money for an awesome cause.

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Annette brown
Annette brown on 30 Nov 2016
Yup made it congratulations. Bonus wages from years ago for turning out a great person
Kat on 30 Nov 2016
Good stuff Grando x
Tegan on 30 Nov 2016
So proud of you dad x
Kristine on 30 Nov 2016
Alex Blinov
Alex Blinov on 30 Nov 2016

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Andrew Gall's avatar
Created by Andrew Gall
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This campaign started on 31 Oct 2016 and ended on 1 Dec 2016.