Animates Fundraiser - Proudly supporting Loose Leash Cat Rescue

$50 donated
Given by 1 generous donor in 5 weeks

To help pets in need, this August we’re fundraising to support the amazing charity 'Loose Leash Cat Rescue.


About Loose Leash Cat Rescue:

“We want to help the Left Behind Cats, The Unsocialised Cats and the Gorge Colony Cats. We have a big project of a colony of cats that have to be desexed to help prevent the unwanted kittens

We also want to be able to help the left behind cats, ones that people forget about, the ones that loose their home for whatever reason.”

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SUSAN on 02 Aug 2021
Thank you for showing a caring attitude to these otherwise unloved cats. They deserve our help.

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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 30 Jul 2021 and ended on 5 Sep 2021.