Around the world in half a yeard!

$20 donated
Given by 1 generous donor in around 6 months

No Shave for New Zealand conservation, as I finally leave NZ I will throw off the corporate shackles of shaving and raise for a good cause


After several long years working to qualify as an accountant I am taking a break and traveling the world. I have spent far too long wearing the corporate uniform of a clean shaven face and collared shirts. As I embark upon my OE traveling the United States, South East Asia, China and eventually London I am giving up shaving.

As my beard grows while I meet more people and make my way around the world hopefully so too will the donations for for the New Zealand National Parks and Nature foundation.

New Zealand is a beautiful place, I have been fortunate enough to get to see alot more of this beauty than most. The more I see the more important I feel it is to protect and restore it as much as we can. I encourage everyone to please support this cause and take any opportunity you get to see New Zealand regardless of where you are from.

The New Zealand National Parks and Nature foundation is committed to protecting the unique New Zealand wildlife and ecosystems.

"New Zealand is a world leader in conservation and species management, renowned for its innovations, operations and techniques.

We are good at saving species — the Chathams Island robin, takahē , kakapo, kokako, kiwi — and we are good at preserving and restoring habitats. One of the biggest challenges New Zealand faces is funding."

Luke Petersen's involvement (page creator)

As an active Kiwi who is proud of our unique flora and fauna I find I have spent a large amount of my time enjoying the beauty and wonder New Zealand has to offer. I am dedicated to restoring the natural habitat of many species that have become endangered across New Zealand, I have always loved birds and the native birds such as Takahe and Kea across New Zealand are fantastic.

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Latest update

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4 weeks in  27 March 2019

We have just passed the 4 week mark and I am happy to say I no longer wake up every morning wanting to tear my face off from itchiness. I am almost ready to begin my adventure across the world and fortunately have the beginnings of a beard to take with me. Hopefully update number two will be much more exciting and from a much more exciting place than my bedroom.

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Rex on 27 Mar 2019

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This campaign started on 27 Mar 2019 and ended on 27 Sep 2019.