Bayleys Plate up for a Purpose - Dawn Baxendale

$6,050 of $5,000 goal
Given by 196 generous donors in 7 weeks

Welcome to my page.


Name: Dawn Baxendale

Title and Company: Chief Executive, Christchurch City Council

What is your cooking experience? Thirty years of eclectic cooking.

What would your cooking signature dish be? Mezze.

Why are you cooking to help disadvantaged Canterbury children get a fair start in education? Because every child deserves a fair start in life.

What does being part of Bayleys Plate Up for a Purpose mean to you and your organisation? It shows we care and have a social purpose.

How can the general public help you? By donating as much as they can afford

Any additional information that donors might find compelling? I’m new to Christchurch and New Zealand so have limited networks so I need as much assistance as possible.

Dawn Baxendale's involvement (page creator)

The Christchurch City Mission runs 13 services including the Back to School programme, emergency foodbank, separate men's and women's emergency night shelters, addiction counselling, men's and women's day programmes.

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Participating in

Bayleys Plate up for a Purpose

Taking business leaders out of their boardrooms and into their community to raise crucial funds for the Mission’s Back to School programme.

Latest donations

Onno on 02 Mar 2020
Well done and good luck
Philippa on 01 Mar 2020
Well done
Scott Baxendale
Scott Baxendale on 29 Feb 2020
Diane on 27 Feb 2020
Go Dawn - you will knock them out with your cooking skills.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Feb 2020
Good luck Dawn, cook up a storm!

Who's involved?

Dawn Baxendale's avatar
Created by Dawn Baxendale
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 17 Jan 2020 and ended on 6 Mar 2020.