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New vehicle desperately needed for Bay of Islands Animal Rescue.

$11,592 donated
Given by 190 generous donors in 12 weeks

New bus needed for transporting rescued animals as current vehicle can not get a wof


BOI animal rescue is desperate for a new vehicle to transport the rescued animals as their current van is unable to get a wof and has bald tyres.

Summer and her team are amazing at helping all the animals they can (from the pound, from the side of the road, from other rescues who are overwhelmed with numbers of rescued animals) and to keep doing this she needs a vehicle that works and can transport lots of animals at once as well as equipment such as crates etc.

Nicky Klomp's involvement (page creator)

Starting a give a little page is how I can help Summer and Bay of Islands Animal Rescue (never ending story). They are desperate for a new bus to transport the rescued animals as the current vehicle can not get a wof and is unsafe.

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We have our new van!!  16 March 2020

Wow where to start massive thank you to Nicky Klomp for arranging our givealittle page and thank you to everyone that donated to our cause...... Massive thank you to Andy FROM PONSONBY CENTRAL for donating the difference in what we needed to buy our new rescue bus and thank you to bridge bully for filling the van with dog food for all our hungry dogs and thank you northauckland dog rescue for picking our van up and getting it to my pick up point...... I'm so overwhelmed with how we all pull together keep watching guys sign writing next and cages to be built..... I'm feeling very spolit and sausages loves her new window port lol....

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Feb 2020
Thanks for everything you do :)
Paula on 21 Feb 2020
Jennie on 21 Feb 2020
You do amazing work-thank you 🙏
Renell on 21 Feb 2020
You do wonderful work, thank you.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Feb 2020

Who's involved?

Nicky Klomp's avatar
Created by Nicky Klomp
Bay of Islands Animal Rescue's avatar
Paying to the verified bank account associated with Bay of Islands Animal Rescue (Charity)
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This campaign started on 21 Dec 2019 and ended on 16 Mar 2020.