Sacrificing my beard for the animals

$525 of $400 goal
Given by 18 generous donors in 11 days

I'm offering to shave my big bold bushy beard off to help animals have a better life, please help by donating to the Animal Re-homing Trust


Hi folks, for those who have seen me or photos of me over the last year you will have noticed that I’ve gone from a clean shaven serious looking fella to a proud hairy ginger Hobo/Viking/Pirate/Hipster who hasn’t shaved in very nearly a year.

During this transformation I have managed to keep my marriage on track, I’ve presented at international conferences, appeared in promotional videos and just about managed to keep my job throughout, despite the odd looks and comments I get on a daily basis.

My new nicknames range from Fozzie, Hagar, Hagrid, beardie boy and giant ginger gnome among many others and I’ve also experienced some possibly inappropriate beard stroking from inquisitive strangers (seriously).

With very nearly a whole year with a beard and also Movember coming up, I thought I would offer my big bushy buddy up in the name of charity. If I can raise a minimum of $400 for the wonderful Animal Rehoming Trust by the 30th October I will sacrifice my hairy chin warmer to the beard gods.

Dean Parker's involvement (page creator)

The world needs a whole lot more love and we need to help those who can't help themselves.

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Latest donations

Hao on 28 Oct 2016
All the best.
Andy on 28 Oct 2016
Want to see photos when its done :-p
Jmodderman on 28 Oct 2016
Nice one Dean.. bring on the MO! (in the name of those who cannot grow.. )
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Oct 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Oct 2016
Lets see that chinny chin chin again

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This campaign started on 19 Oct 2016 and ended on 30 Oct 2016.