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Becs & Frase

$865 of $500 goal
Given by 21 generous donors in 4 weeks

Our friends Katie and Jeff are truly deserving of any support they can get. We hope that our involvement in this run will help to support t


I (Becs) have known Katie & Jeff for 20 years and they are now dear friends to us both. We know that the journey ahead of them is huge and we hope that what we are doing will be of some help to them as a family.

Our friends Katie and Jeff are truly deserving of any support they can get. We hope that our involvement in this run will help to support this amazing family as they face the journey ahead.

Participating in

Running for the Hills

Running for the Hills

Latest donations

Liv and Shaun
Liv and Shaun on 22 Nov 2014
SO very proud of you guys! Very good humans! Love you so much xxxxx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Nov 2014
Cameron Winsloe
Cameron Winsloe on 21 Nov 2014
All the hard work will pay off Becs. Hope to see you out on the hockey turf again some day Jeff.
Jo Canning
Jo Canning on 21 Nov 2014
Liv grace
Liv grace on 20 Nov 2014
SUPER proud of you guys! Love you long time

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This campaign started on 24 May 2014 and ended on 23 Jun 2014.