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Ben and Reds Long Ride South

$7,023 of $8,000 goal
Given by 124 generous donors in 4 weeks

On November 8th 2012 me and my bike Red are going to be tearing up the roads from Cape Reinga to Bluff.


Make-A-Wish New Zealand

On November 8th 2012 me and my bike Red are going to be tearing up the roads from Cape Reinga to Bluff.

Latest update

Update for 01/11/2012  1 November 2012

Hey everyone, made it back to Nz in one nicely jet lagged piece to find heaps of people have been making some awesome donations! A Huge thanks to Rachel Macdonald, Craig Hutchison, Rebecca Rassie, Michelle Melhopt, Nannette and Brian Bunting, Mike Rubick, Isabella Rose Howie, Katie Stark and a couple anon givers! incredible work guys. I'm looking forward to getting it all underway next thursday up at the Cape going to be sweet!

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Latest donations

fergus knight
fergus knight on 25 Nov 2012
That was worth emptying the safe for. Shot bro. Catch up soon
Harry on 23 Nov 2012
Congrats bro huge effort.
Ben Leyland
Ben Leyland on 22 Nov 2012
Well Done Mate, Sorry I'm a bit late with my donation. Hope your arse isn't too sore.
Rosie Taylor
Rosie Taylor on 22 Nov 2012
Congrats Ben! Huge effort. So impressed so thought would give a wee bit more for the cause :)
Wikus on 22 Nov 2012
Beno! I waited till u did it cause I was sure u had over trained urself on Dilbar and ur legs were shot from it. Well done mate! Great journey! Now ready alistar humphreys, round the world by bike and keep the spirit going! Keep pushing mate! Great inspiration to all!!! Well done!

Who's involved?

Benjamin Walker  's avatar
Created by Benjamin Walker
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Oct 2012 and ended on 3 Nov 2012.