Bike it forward

$2,290 donated
Given by 45 generous donors in around 5 months

Participating in Joyride


This amazing group of people are joining together to support a great cause.

Every single dollar we raise will go to help kids in Kolkata have a better future. A future with education, youth groups, extra curricular activities, and most importantly - a future of FUN.

We will be getting together to ride as a group throughout October to do our small part in trying to help out the youth over there.

So come on now, if you cannot bike it forward yourself, why not pay it forward and help support us raise funds for these kids :)

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Participating in


In Kolkata a lot of kids have pretty tough lives and don't get to enjoy just being kids. Joyride is your opportunity to bring a little joy!

Latest donations

Alice on 05 Nov 2023
Sandy on 31 Oct 2023
Mark on 30 Oct 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Oct 2023
Olivia Watt

Thank you so much for adding to such a good cause - so appreciate the donation :)

Olivia Watt
Ruth & Matt
Ruth & Matt on 25 Oct 2023
Great stuff team :)
Olivia Watt

Too generous Sharrs - love you guys!

Olivia Watt

Who's involved?

Olivia Watt's avatar
Created by Olivia Watt
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Sep 2023 and ended on 29 Feb 2024.