Alex "ours des cavernes" Machliss

$4,190 of $10,000 goal
Given by 44 generous donors in 4 weeks

Known as 'the bear', called into the ring after an earlier fighter quit. I know no fear and look forward to matching off against 'Crazy'


Blue Dragon Children's Trust (New Zealand)

Known as 'the bear', called into the ring after an earlier fighter quit.

I know no fear and look forward to matching off against 'Crazy' for a good cause

Participating in

NZ Capital Markets Charity Boxing

NZ Capital Markets Charity Boxing

Latest donations

A Ashburn
A Ashburn on 10 Jun 2014
Richard Bailey
Richard Bailey on 06 Jun 2014
I trust you are still alive?
Manny Kalogerakis
Manny Kalogerakis on 05 Jun 2014
Jab jab move jab jab move
andrew marsden
andrew marsden on 03 Jun 2014
Hope it's a barnburner, Alex
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Jun 2014

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Alex Machliss's avatar
Created by Alex Machliss
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This campaign started on 17 Apr 2014 and ended on 17 May 2014.