Paddy "Fists of Fire" Mullins

$5,170 of $3,000 goal
Given by 34 generous donors in 11 weeks

Blue Dragon helps kids in crisis throughout Vietnam, focusing on education and training to give them another chance.


The money we raise will go towards Blue Dragon's rescue work over the coming year. Blue Dragon receives calls for help from people who have been trafficked into sexual and labour slavery, both within Vietnam and into China. They find trafficked people - mostly women and children, but men sometimes too - and bring them home. We're running the annual appeal for this work right now, and you can see some films we've posted on the website -

Patrick Mullins' involvement (page creator)

Patrick "Fists of Fire" Mullins.....I am coming out of retirement to take on the trash-talking great white hope of Wellington Dean "Crazy Spice" Spicer - This is a match-up the market has been demanding for years....both boxers are under injury clouds and frankly are heading into the twilight of our careers, but putting our bodies on the line again for a wonderful charity.....Please support this great cause.

Participating in

Blue Dragon Charity Boxing Wellington

NZ Finance professionals are boxing for Blue Dragon, who in turn are fighting for youth in Vietnam.

Latest donations

Mike McGurk
Mike McGurk on 25 Aug 2016
It's quiet in here, the lights are off... Oh no, have I missed the comeback of the century?
Chalky on 22 Aug 2016
Well done Paddy, roll on 2017
Horts on 15 Aug 2016
Good on you Paddy - lightening reactions developed in the slums of Fulham!
Cam Mathias
Cam Mathias on 15 Aug 2016
Better late than never. Perhaps in time for the rematch in Invercargill next year.
Andrew Cox
Andrew Cox on 11 Aug 2016
Awesome work Paddy,
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This campaign started on 14 Jun 2016 and ended on 31 Aug 2016.