Please support me in the 2017 OneStaff Battle of the Rebuild by giving generously to my chosen charity - Home and Family Christchurch.
The vision of Home & Family/Te Whare Manaaki Tangata is that all children will live in homes with whānau/family who cherish them, keep them safe and nurture their potential.
Home & Family has specialised services accessible to whānau/family and tamariki/children including counselling services, residential parenting programmes and comprehensive, ecological assessment and evidence-based intervention programmes. The services aim to address early life experiences and risk factors to reduce the number of children in care by strengthening families within a nurturing environment. Individual, family, school, peer and community related factors and how they impact on our client’s life experiences and trajectory are considered.
My OneStaff Battle of the Rebuild campaign aims to raise more than $5,000 to assist Home and Family in providing support to those Canterbury families who need it most.
Please support us by giving generously.
100% of proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to Home and Family Christchurch.
I am competing in the 2017 OneStaff Battle of the Rebuild, representing Miyamoto. I have committed to 8 weeks of intense boxing training leading up to fight night, with the goal to raise $5000 for my chosen charity.
OneStaff Battle of the Rebuild has helped raise more than $1 million for numerous charities since 2010. The OneStaff Battle of the Rebuild is a Black Tie, Red Carpet event. It is the pinnacle industry event for the thriving Canterbury teams behind the rebuild, all with the outstanding objective of raising funds for charity.
C’mon Christchurch! Get behind the guys and girls who are helping to rebuild our city, and join us for the largest construction event to HIT Christchurch!
Extended Campaign! 21 September 2017
We've updated the closing time for the Battle of the Rebuild Contender fundraising pages to ensure that our guests attending this weekend's event have plenty of time after the event is finished to support their fighters and the charities they are representing! Donations will now be accepted right through until Saturday 7th October 2017.
Thanks to the many generous donors who have already contributed, and we look forward to catching you ringside this Saturday night!
The BOTR Team.
Join Canterbury's industry leaders in supporting their chosen charities for the 2017 Battle of the Rebuild!