Bradley and Bruces Blitz - Iron Maori here we come!

$2,073 of $2,000 goal
Given by 40 generous donors in around 4 months

Making a real difference to those with disabilities in HB through fundraising for Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC) Enliven Disability.

Hawke's Bay

At dawn on Saturday November 3rd, 2018, Bruce Richardson will be lining up at the start line of the 10th Quarter Iron Maori event in Ahuriri, Napier ready to make a splash. The goal is to make a real difference to those with disabilities in our Hawkes Bay community through fundraising for Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC) Enliven Disability services.

After the 1km swim at Pandora Pond, a hilly 45km road bike follows, then a 10.5km run to the finish line. However, this will not be your usual dash to the end as Bruce will be pushing Bradley, a flatter at Rowan House in Taradale, in a mountain buggy for adults!

Bruce is no stranger to pushing through barriers. Four years ago he was overweight at 118kgs and living on a poor diet and fizzy drink he decided to tackle the iconic NZ adventure race, Coast to Coast after he saw it on the news one night. He committed to a strict training programme and dramatically changed his diet and now he is a fully converted triathlete and adventure racer, weighing in at 84kg. His very first event to get him started on his journey was Iron Maori and it completely changed his life!

Bradley McCann is 25 and he has cerebral palsy, but this is not what defines him. What really defines him is the pleasure he gets from life, from those he loves and those he interacts with.

Bradley lives at Rowan House with 21 other flatters. He spends his weekdays there and goes home to his parents in the weekend. During the week almost every day is filled with activities. He works as a volunteer in the winter months at Firth Concrete for one day a week. In the summer he is at the airport checking in and cleaning cars for Budget rentals one day a week.

He has competed in the Independence Games in both athletics and swimming events. He is an avid supporter of most sports but loves the All Blacks. Bradley loves going fast so its lucky he will be in his Delichon Delta Buggy for the Iron Maori. Fitness training will be underway shortly so look out for them around Napier.

Enliven Disability relies on additional funding from PSECs three Charity Shops in Napier, Taradale and Havelock North and through fundraising initiatives and events. Bruce immediately volunteered to help raise funds through competing in the Iron Maori and wanted to offer Bradley the opportunity to compete alongside him. The funds raised will help make our Enliven Disability clients dreams come true. One flatter has always wanted to go for a ride in a police car, another flatter has always wanted to sit and relax in a community spa pool and Bradley just wants to race.

These sound like simple dreams to most people, but for people with a disability it requires additional resourcing and careful planning from skilled staff and support networks to enable these dreams to come true and this is where your funds can help. You will be directly supporting a wonderful cause and we are so grateful. Please donate today!

Ngaia Richardson's involvement (page creator)

Staff member at Presbyterian Support

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Thank you!!!  6 November 2018

Thank you all so much for your kind donations. We have received some off line donations and have now passed our $2000 goal..... because of YOU!!

Bruce and Bradley had an amazing day on Saturday. Bradley is so proud of his Iron Maori medal and was so well supported by his friends and the staff at Rowan House, the crew from PSEC and friends and family.

This is not the end of Bruce and Bradley being out and about together - they will still be pounding the streets.

All the fuhds raised go directly to the Enliven Disability Services to help dreams come true for flatters just like Bradley. You have truly made a difference in other peoples lives and for that .... THANK YOU!!!

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Private Donor
Private Donor on 07 Nov 2018
Mudgie on 06 Nov 2018
Well done you guys!!
Kathie on 03 Nov 2018
Parahi Family
Parahi Family on 03 Nov 2018
Tuahine on 03 Nov 2018

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Created by Ngaia Richardson
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This campaign started on 31 Jul 2018 and ended on 16 Nov 2018.