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Building Bridges

$1,956 of $1,800 goal
Given by 33 generous donors in 4 weeks

I'm joining a group of Kiwis and Kiwi expats living in Israel to participate in the Jerusalem Marathon in support of Project Rozana. Projec


Project Rozana is supporting the Hadassah Medical Organisation, globally renowned for its humanitarian policy of treating all patients with high-quality compassionate care, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Hadassah is a bridge to peace, forging links between patients of all nationalities, races and religion.

I'm joining a group of Kiwis and Kiwi expats living in Israel to participate in the Jerusalem Marathon in support of Project Rozana. Project Rozana is raising funds that will make a real difference to lives of hundreds of Palestinian children in the West Bank and Gaza Strip by providing treatment and doctor training at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem.

Participating in

Jerusalem Marathon 2014

Jerusalem Marathon 2014

Latest donations

Petrie Family
Petrie Family on 23 Mar 2014
Well done ! Xx
Tanya Hart
Tanya Hart on 22 Mar 2014
Patrick and Amanda Teagle
Patrick and Amanda Teagle on 17 Mar 2014
A little later than planned but hopefully you get this in time. Good luck for your run! Have a great holiday! xx
M D and Y A Robinson
M D and Y A Robinson on 15 Mar 2014
Well done Sam. We wish you all the best
Alice Masters
Alice Masters on 14 Mar 2014
Go Sam!! You're awesome xxxxx

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This campaign started on 7 Nov 2013 and ended on 7 Dec 2013.