Walking the mental talk

$4,431 donated
Given by 28 generous donors in 4 weeks

100km gumboot walk in 24 hours to raise funds for FREE counselling for our youth.


Page created on behalf of Cameron Russell.

Having depression is like walking through mud every day. Every year, Gumboot Friday asks you to show your support, put your gumboots on, give a gold coin, and take a walk in their shoes for just one day.

It's a fun way for kiwis to join in the mental health conversation, while raising money to provide FREE and timely counselling for any young person in need.

Last year in New Zealand 654 people (with 175 being young people) died by suicide and it is estimated another 3500 attempted to take their own lives. While Government agencies are doing their best some young people are stuck waiting up to six months to receive the counselling they so urgently need.


I’ve had my fair share of battles with mental health and will continue to as a sufferer of bipolar disorder. Manic depression and suicidal thoughts were a part of my life before I started college. If it wasn’t for a friend helping me seek help in my teens I would not be here.

My main current battle that haunts me is my battle with Tourette’s Syndrome. After a concussion in 2020 my mild case became severe. Unfortunately I have uncontrollable verbal tics, one of which causes me to say “Kill Yourself” thousands of times per day.

I’m walking this walk and sharing my story to prove that thoughts are just thoughts and that actions speak louder than words. Even though I can’t help saying these things I’m fighting back against this illness. I want to share my story and be an advocate for open conversation about mental health.

If you want to help support this cause and join me on my journey, please donate to the page, come along on Friday the 28th and do a lap with me at the Auckland Domain or donate at any participating venue.

Gumboot up and help raise awareness and support for our youth!

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Latest donations

Helen on 28 Jun 2021
Thank you for caring.
Dominions Morning Tea Funds :)
Dominions Morning Tea Funds :) on 31 May 2021
Well done Cam, from our collection tin - Morning Tea at Dominion.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 May 2021
Mike Pollok and Ricoh NZ
Mike Pollok and Ricoh NZ on 31 May 2021
Keep up the great work! Such an important cause. From Mike Pollok and the family at Ricoh
Sophie on 29 May 2021

Who's involved?

Paige Tibbits's avatar
Created by Paige Tibbits
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This campaign started on 28 May 2021 and ended on 30 Jun 2021.