Celebrate Annie Cunningham’s life of giving with a final act of kindness

$23,700 of $100 goal
Given by 152 generous donors in 9 weeks

Annie spent her life giving. In her memory, please help create life-changing wishes for kids with critical illnesses, supporting Make-A-Wish

Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu

Annie tragically passed away on Friday 8th December, 2023.

She radiated kindness and generosity in all that she did – and, in her lifetime, touched so many.

As a wife, supporting David's crazy adventures. As a mother and stepmother, guiding her cherished 'babies' along life's journey. As a friend, radiating her love and energy to lift anyone's spirits.

As a member of the Kāpiti community, making school lunches for kids and organising fundraisers. As a nurse, in her ophthalmic career. As a family support worker for Heart Kids. And as a Nurse Educator for Asthma NZ.

In honour of a beautiful life, Annie’s family ask those who knew her to carry out one final act of giving on her behalf

In lieu of flowers, or anything else, we ask that you please consider making a donation to Make-A-Wish – a very special charity, and one near to our family’s hearts, which creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Let's see what we can achieve, and together – in Annie’s memory – change the lives of some very deserving kids, and their families.

Annie’s funeral will be held at Southward Car Museum on the Kapiti Coast at 11:00am on Tuesday 19th December (arrival by 10.45am).

Please come and celebrate an incredible life of giving. The theme is "colourful". Pink polka-dots are just fine, or black if that's your colour, or anything in between 😀.

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Latest donations

Monti on 13 Feb 2024
Nathan Miglani
Nathan Miglani on 09 Feb 2024
Kevin on 08 Feb 2024
I still can't believe this sad news DC. Love to you & the kids from Liz & I.
Shaun on 06 Feb 2024
You’ve got this! Kia kaha mate.
Kat on 06 Feb 2024
Thinking of you and your family DC

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Created by Annie & David Cunningham
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Dec 2023 and ended on 15 Feb 2024.