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Cents for Sarah for the climate

  • Progress - but slowly!

      9 February 2017

    A big thank you to everyone who donated towards Sarah Thomson's legal challenge costs. We appreciate your patience and ongoing support.

    It has been well over a year since filing, and in that time the climate has certainly not stood still. The recent extreme weather in Australia is just another reminder of how pressing climate change is.

    Sarah advises that the hearing date for the case has been set for the 26-28 June, 2017, which is close with so much left to do, and yet not close enough for such an important problem.

    The Minister has continuously delayed providing requested discovery documents, including reports, economic modelling and advice provided to the Minister in regards to the INDC target for Paris. These delays have been frustrating and have slowed progress, but the lawyers and Sarah are doing what they can to make sure the case is heard in June without any further postponement.

    We will keep you advised of further developments. Thank you all once again.

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