Charity Boxing Fight - War from the Shore

$230 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in 21 days

Boxing Alley's - Charity Fight Night



Over the past 8 weeks, myself and 49 other crazy cats have been putting in the mahi and will be taking part in the charity fight night evening, Boxing Alley’s ‘Fit to Fight’ challenge, this Friday 2 July.

This is a charity fight night raising money for a number of amazing charities. In particular, I am fighting to raise money for a charity I back all the way, Movember – if you don’t already know them, Movember are an amazing charity that are leading the charge with changing the face of men’s health on a global scale, focusing on mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

If you’re keen to support, all donations are greatly appreciated or otherwise please come along on the evening for a real laugh


Participating in


Join us and support the participants of Boxing Alley's 'Fit To Fight' challenge who are fundraising for their chosen charities!

Latest donations

David Bane
David Bane on 29 Jun 2021
Good on ya lads. Make sure you get up early and go for a walk around the block to clear the head. Once you’re inside the ring make sure you get a couple of good shots in fast as if you were never there.
Olivia on 29 Jun 2021
Ben Smith
Ben Smith on 28 Jun 2021
Left right good night. Love from Bender.
Ross on 28 Jun 2021
Good luck R &J
Toni on 28 Jun 2021
Couple of hay makers for sure

Who's involved?

Samuel Pierce's avatar
Created by Samuel Pierce
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 Jun 2021 and ended on 30 Jun 2021.