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Churchward Aiga : Fighting Back by Giving Back

$2,771 of $1,000 goal
Given by 25 generous donors in 4 weeks

Fundraising for Cancer Society by participating in the 2011 Relay for Life event.


Cancer Society Wellington; and those who have been affected by cancer in some way during their life.

Fundraising for Cancer Society by participating in the 2011 Relay for Life event.

Latest update


Thank you so much to you, our wonderful?support crew!?As you can see together we raised over $2,700! This?was far beyond our expectation and we are just absolutely thrilled. Relay for Life has international appeal - we received donations from as far away as Germany and Australia ! The day was amazing ...?the wet weather did not deter us from continuing our mission. Not even a flooded tent could dampen our spirits or that of the other participants on the day. Our Acknowledgement/Memory board was one of the first things we put up outside our tent. Our two survivors, Karlos and Hayley, joined other survivors/carers behind the Banner of Hope and walked a lap of honour to open the track. The atmosphere was upbeat and full of life and? along with?other friends and families, we radiated with pride at watching our loved ones who fought back against cancer. The Zumba class was enjoyed by all our team - photos on Facebook! The Candlelight Ceremony was certainly the most emotional time - we watched as many families brought their decorated bags;?we read many of the bags as others?read ours. We received loads of?visitors - some had joined the walkers?for a couple of laps;?some had brought?us coffees, muffins,?sandwiches (delicious too);?and?good cheer! We had fantastic neighbours - RaboBank?on one?side, St Johns on the other - who could ask for more.?We?shared the bbq with RaboBank?(it helps to?know?the?Team Captain - Karlos!) and they helped us shelter our gear and 10 or so or our?walkers?while our tent was being dried out! Big cheers to RaboBank and to the three brave women who spent three hours mopping, hanging, drying. As previously mentioned, we received loads of messages of support - thank you so much everyone ... WE REALLY APPRECIATED YOUR SUPPORT -?IT KEPT US?GOING, PARTICULARLY OUR?11PM-6AM CORE GROUP. XX XX X

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Participating in

2011 Relay For Life - Wellington

2011 Relay For Life - Wellington

Latest donations

Mike Mem
Mike Mem on 29 Mar 2011
Vivienne Parminter
Vivienne Parminter on 29 Mar 2011
Angela Mcquinlan
Angela Mcquinlan on 26 Mar 2011
It is great to support a worthy cause and enable those who are sick to get well enough to enjoy life and spend quality time with family and friends.
des Landes Family
des Landes Family on 26 Mar 2011
Sorry it's a bit late! Good luck, lots of love x
kp on 25 Mar 2011
Go Churchward Aiga! Awesome organisation, passion and results. What a team!

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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 Feb 2011 and ended on 30 Mar 2011.