Kylie & Steve Rae - Climb 4 Youth 2021

$3,446 of $3,366 goal
Given by 49 generous donors in 5 weeks

Participating in Climb 4 Youth 2021


Please join Steve and I in supporting the Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato for Climb 4 Youth 2021!

I will be representing the Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato by overcoming climbing the Hakarimata Summit Steps:

Kylie - 4 times in 4 hours

Steve - 5 times in 4 hours

The Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato are running a fundraising event at the Hakarimata Summit Track in Ngāruawāhia. Climbers will be proving that what they have inside is greater than the obstacle they face.

By setting and achieving return trips, and a fundraising goal,they will be role-modelling our mission of empowering young people to overcome life’s obstacle. Supporting Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato to deliver action packed values based programmes to our tamariki and rangatahi.

Every $1 we fundraise and invest provide benefits of $7.80 back into our communities. The Hakarimata Summit sits 374m above sea level.

The Summit Steps Track is 2km long consisting of 1,349 steps! Climbers will have a 4-hour period to complete their set target of return trips.

So please join us in supporting the Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato!

Participating in

Climb 4 Youth 2021

Climbers will represent Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato by overcoming climbing the Hakarimata Summit track multiple times in 4 hours.

Latest donations

Hana on 22 Jun 2021
JAYNE on 22 Jun 2021
Good on you guys. You young fit bunnies 😀
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Jun 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Jun 2021
Amanda on 19 Jun 2021
Well done Raes!

Who's involved?

Kylie Rae's avatar
Created by Kylie Rae
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 18 May 2021 and ended on 26 Jun 2021.