Clive Somerville Drops for Youth 2019

$1,195 of $1,000 goal
Given by 35 generous donors in 6 weeks

I think this is a great programme to support young people so thought why not throw myself out of a plane to support this great cause!


The Graeme Dingle Foundation run school-based programmes working alongside young people in our most vulnerable communities. The proven programmes are sequenced to create a positive vehicle for change for young people aged 5 to 18 years old.

This is what they call the 'Transformational Journey' โ€“ a journey that helps our young people become more confident and resilient, find purpose and direction to achieve success. All proceeds will go towards school-based programmes running in Waikato - Kiwi Can, Stars and Career Navigator

Clive Somerville's involvement (page creator)

The work that the Graeme Dingle Foundation does, matters - it supports young people so I'm throwing myself out of a plane to support this great cause!

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๐Ÿ™Œ THANK YOU  โœˆ  1 December 2019

With your help we've raised over $1,000 to support the work that we at the Graeme Dingle Foundation Waikato do - through our mahi we help our rangitahi build:

- resilience ๐Ÿ‘

- self-belief ๐Ÿ‘

- life skills ๐Ÿ‘

Our foundationโ€™s programmes empower young people to succeed and overcome lifeโ€™s obstacles.

Today, hosted by GoSkydive New Zealand I jumped from 13,000 feet attached to Kieran 'Kitsch' Baldwin (who recently represented New Zealand at the 2019 FAI Canopy Piloting World Cup in South Africa!!!)

It was EPIC - and as we circled the Waikato gaining height for our jump I had reason to pause and think about where I was and why. Supporting the work I am privileged to be able to do, because it matters.

Scariest moment: the reality of landing

Best moment: hanging with my tandem jump master.

Thank you again,



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Participating in

Drop For Youth Waikato

We're daring people to get outside of their comfort zone, just like our young people do through our programmes.

Latest donations

Amy on 02 Dec 2019
Well done Clive, love ya work!
Kath on 02 Dec 2019
Nice one Cleevay
Michael on 01 Dec 2019
Well done. An awesome achievement to help children.
Terry on 30 Nov 2019
Leading the way shot good job
Ian on 29 Nov 2019
Go hard Freckle.

Who's involved?

Clive Somerville's avatar
Created by Clive Somerville
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 31 Oct 2019 and ended on 16 Dec 2019.