Come Together: KARAKA

$22,650 of $5,000 goal
Given by 73 generous donors in 5 weeks

This year we are again looking to Come Together in style for something important...


Putting the Good, in Goodbye.

Formed in 2020, Come Together was one of the first events out of lockdown. The event quickly became a beacon of light for many after months of bubble solitude. Attendees came to a realisation of how lucky we were to share a moment, together.

Fast forward to July 2021, and this year we are again looking to Come Together in style for something important...

Every year, RMHC New Zealand offers free accommodation and support to thousands of families with a child in Starship hospital. In 2020, 4,289 families across New Zealand stayed at a RMHC for 35,006 nights, a cost of almost $6 million. Covid-19 meant that much of the fundraising and volunteering activity it relies on to raise the funds to deliver their services couldn’t take place.

This year that is a party called Come Together Karaka! With an amazing line up of artists in support and some amazing sponsors on board, the event is shaping up to be something truly unique hosted out in the beautiful Karaka countryside.

We are requesting a donation from all attendees please. This could be $5, $50 or whatever you see fit. For that donation, your night will be taken care of when it comes to music, drinks and refreshments. There is also going to be a charity auction hosted by Ben Hurst with some amazing products and getaways up for grabs. ALL PROCEEDS with go to the house to support families in need.

Thanks so much for attending, at the end of the day this is a house party so put your dancing shoes on and we can’t wait to see you for what will be one of the nights to remember.

Latest donations

CW on 08 Jul 2021
Great Party, seeya soon Live wire!
Philip on 08 Jul 2021
Sarah on 07 Jul 2021
Eazy on 05 Jul 2021
Ollie on 05 Jul 2021

Who's involved?

Dan Maas's avatar
Created by Dan Maas
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 1 Jun 2021 and ended on 10 Jul 2021.