We've made the top of Everest!
3 March 2017Tonight marks the first climb of Mount Everest for Team Daisy Cottage. 38 times successfully climbed with days to go. I wonder how many times we'll manage by the end of the challenge? Fancy a climb?
Tonight marks the first climb of Mount Everest for Team Daisy Cottage. 38 times successfully climbed with days to go. I wonder how many times we'll manage by the end of the challenge? Fancy a climb?
We've managed to rope in our families to climb up with us and more recently Chamila & Maria have enjoyed the company of one of our Daisy families. This morning they got to move our Daisy in recognition of their climb.
If you would like to accompany us on one of our treks up, please let us know...It is wonderful watching the faces of our little mountaineers as they conquer Mauao!
The children are loving watching our little daisy move slowly (and sometimes quickly!) up Mount Everest. We have 38 red dots along the climbing route and at this stage we are just over half way. It is likely we will end up climbing Everest a number of times as we still have the greater part of the challenge time remaining. Every little bit counts, we'd love to see our little bit for Women's Refuge continue to grow.