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Walking the 3000 kilometers of Te Araroa trail to plant 3000 trees

  • Change end date

      24 May 2020

    I stopped the trail for 8 weeks due to Covid-19 lockdown so I’m extending the end date.

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  • A big thanks to all donors

      15 February 2020
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    Kia ora everyone. Happy 2020!

    First of all sorry for the lack of updates. Walking the trail has been a more profound experience that I could ever imagine and it's been challenging to keep connected with you and my fundraising project while walking the trail, for many reasons.

    I think about the project every single day on the trail, in many different ways. I won't lie - most of the times I question myself: did I set up an unrealistic goal? Raising $30,000 sure did seem like a big thing when I first thought about it and somehow, I believed it was possible. But is it?

    For those who know me enough would know my straight answer would be YES.

    Many times on the trail, I thought the opposite though. And the only way I come back to my positive belief on this project is when I reach a town where I have internet access, open my emails and read "New donation received".

    You guys are the ones that keep me believing on this, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I have no words to describe how grateful and happy I feel when I see that you believe in my great*crazy* idea.

    So whats Next?

    Well, I have passed the 2000 kilometers mark. that means, I have walked 66% of the trail. In comparison, as the current $832 donations received, we have reached only 2,7% of the $30,000 goal that would enable us to plant 3,000 trees.

    It's not going to be a easy task. But I still believe on it. And with your help, maybe we can do this together?

    How else can you help?

    You already did the hardest part: donated your precious money. So here I am, from the bottom of my hear, asking you to help even more! (silly me!)

    Here are 3 other ways I thought you could help:

    1) Tell someone close to you privately. A close friend, family members or a work colleague. Maybe tell them how you think this is a great cause and it means a lot to you - make it personal. Any small donation helps!

    2) Share on your social media, groups on Facebook, etc.

    3) Contact a local media and tell them about my story, maybe they could cover? Or maybe a company you think could help donating as well?

    Any other ideas, feel free to message me!

    I now have 1000 kilometers left until Bluff. I will try my best to keep more engaged with this project and hopefully we will achieve this together!


    Daniel Nogueira

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  • Goal made public

      15 February 2020

    Some reason goal was not showing

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  • I talked with some kids about my journey!

      2 December 2019
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    Hey people!

    I was invited to talk with some kids at Point View School in Auckland. It was a first for me but what a great experience! The kids were very engaged, they have been doing a lot of work around sustainable living, zero waste and climate change. I shared my hiking story with them and they loved knowing more about hiking, adventure and how I'm walking 3000 kilometres to plant 3000 trees.

    Thanks Alisha and Point view school for bringing me in!

    It turns out Point View School is part of the Enviroschool project which I will be in touch to try to arrange more talks and inspire kids to make a positive impact in our planet.

    Thanks everyone for the support so far!

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  • Update about Northland

      2 December 2019
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    Kia ora koutou

    I have now reached Hamilton, completed 1 month on the trail! Here are my thoughts on the Northland section:

    On a journey like this everyone gets stronger. Mind, body and heart must all work together on a balanced harmony to keep you going day after day. Northland had all the ingredients to strengthen all of them. It tests your mind resilience right in the beginning at the long 90 Mile beach. The mind is our most powerful friend, or enemy. It will tell us if we can or cannot do something. Whichever one, it will always be right. Being mindful about our limits and making wise decisions is key for a healthy trail. ⁣

    The body gets tested on the steep hills of Raetea Forest, followed by sections of river walking at Puketi and Russell forests. The uneven terrain and NZ style track challenges the knees, ankles and overall fitness. ⁣

    Northland is also a place for your heart. The heart is where you find the core foundation for doing this. We all have different reasons and goals and regardless of what they are, they are in your heart. After a big hard day, when you lie down tired in your tent, close your eyes and ask yourself “why am I doing this?”, the answer will come from your heart. That’s what will keep you going, day after day.⁣

    Northland is where the birds sing louder, the oceans are warmer, the plants are greener. Its where the sun shines brighter and the trees flower earlier. Its where you find mysterious forests, remote villages and untouched beaches. Above anything, Northland is a place of warm people. Its where people smile at you, strangers become friends, hikers become family, and the helpless are helped. Northland will restore your faith in humanity, in the capability of our species to offer unconditional love, to do good without expecting anything back. It will bring the best of who you are as human, and make you a better version of yourself. ⁣

    I have had some of the most profound experiences of humanity in Northland that has impacted me in many different and positive ways. ⁣

    I will eventually share some of those stories in more detail but for now I just wanna leave my deepest appreciation for the North. If you ever feel like you need to reset your faith in humans, head North. Go with a open heart, get to know the locals and spend some time in its quiet and wild nature. You will certainly leave with a warmer heart and believing that we, humans, despite our insignificance in this vast universe, are something unique and special.

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