Darren Linton, CEO of Yellow is aiming to raise at least $3,000 for the Graeme Dingle Foundation at Drop Your Boss 2018
People are so keen to throw me off a building! That is great because it gives me the opportunity to support young people in new Zealand. After living overseas for 20 years you come back and realise what an amazing place New Zealand is. I believe in the power of our next generation and only want to see the best for them. The Graham Dingle Foundation, who I am supporting, are passionate about helping young people in New Zealand develop critical life skills that help them realise their true potential. Such a worthy organisation to jump for!
I’m looking forward to the challenge of being thrown off the Sky Tower to raise funds for young kiwis to help them unlock their potential and live their best lives.
Give your boss a shake up! Nominate your Boss for an epic drop from the top of Auckland's iconic building - The Sky Tower
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