Participating in Westpac Chopper Appeal Bike Ride 2024 for my nineth time
Queenstown, Otago
This photo is of my wife, who has used the services of the Otago and Southland Rescue Helicopter Service twice over the past year or so. This will be my 9th ride for this worthy cause and our recent experiences makes me even more determined to fundraise and train for such a worthy cause. This year we are looking to break the goal of $1 million raised. Here in the Central Lakes it is a crucial service and I look forward to being a part of the Chopper bike ride, year after year. Please support me and share this page with friends and family. You never know when your family might need this service.
Big Day on Friday 10 May 2023
Just two days until the big day. Thanks to everyone for your support. We are confident of reaching our goal. Please continue to share our page to all friends, family and associates. On the day watch out for us on the AM show at 7.20am and 8.35am and there also may be a bit on Breakdown on Sunday night. Keep up to date on our progress on the day via our facebook page.
Annual Bike Ride raising funds for this life saving service.