Edwin Massey - Biosecurity, NZ Winegrowers

$770 of $1,000 goal
Given by 28 generous donors in 9 weeks

I will be 'dropping' in support of Kiwi Can across Marlborough. Kiwi Can aims to equip kids with a 'can do' attitude to life's challenges.


Kiwi Can is a values and life skills programme teaching kids the skills to be the best they can be. Every week over 700 local kids are actively engaged in Kiwi Can lessons across the region. With the help from this fundraiser, Kiwi Can could be reaching a further 1,000 kids every week in 2017.

Edwin Massey's involvement (page creator)

I am stepping over the edge (ropes attached) and dropping from the heights of the new ASB theatre in Blenheim as part of the Bragato conference in late August. Support my drop and show your support to the young people of the Marlborough.

Latest update

Stephen, Geoff and Marcus check out the dropzone  27 July 2016

Posted by: Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough

Task: Abseil

Equipment required: Shoe deodorant?

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Participating in

Drop Your Boss at Bragato

Romeo Bragato Conference attendees step 'over the edge' to support local kids. To register email: kelvin.watt@dinglefoundation.org.nz

Latest donations

NJB on 05 Sep 2016
Hope the cord held tight!
Stanmore nursery
Stanmore nursery on 25 Aug 2016
Good on you
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Aug 2016
Good on you Ed.
Dineshan and Korosha Naidoo
Dineshan and Korosha Naidoo on 18 Aug 2016
You're so brave Ed. Flap those wings and land safely!
Jenny and Krish Reddy
Jenny and Krish Reddy on 18 Aug 2016
Please don't break anything
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 27 Jul 2016 and ended on 1 Oct 2016.