Karen Draper - Wineworks

$930 of $1,000 goal
Given by 18 generous donors in 7 weeks

I will be 'dropping' in support of Kiwi Can in Marlborough. Kiwi Can aims to equip kids with a 'can do' attitude to the challenges of life.


Kiwi Can teaches important concepts like respect and integrity, resilience and positive relationships in weekly lessons to over 700 kids across the top of the south. Funds raised through the Drop Your Boss at Bragato will go towards reaching an additional 3 schools (a further 1,000 kids) in 2017. Support my drop and support Kiwi Can reaching more kids across Marlborough.

karen draper's involvement (page creator)

I will be 'stepping over the edge' to support Kiwi Can. Wineworks have been supporting Kiwi Can and involved in Drop Your Boss challenges over recent years... and the baton has now been passed my way!

Being a board trustee I appreciate the impact that the programme has on the local schools. I'm looking forward to the Kiwi Can programme being offered at additional schools and achieving a greater impact in the local Marlborough wine region.

Participating in

Drop Your Boss at Bragato

Romeo Bragato Conference attendees step 'over the edge' to support local kids. To register email: kelvin.watt@dinglefoundation.org.nz

Latest donations

QuayConnect on 01 Sep 2016
QuayConnect and Port Nelson are very pleased to donate $350 towards providing support to the young people of the Marlborough Wine region.
karen draper

Wow - thanks QuayConnect and Port Nelson. Great to have your support!!

karen draper
Corbin Moore
Corbin Moore on 24 Aug 2016
All the best
karen draper

Thanks Corbin - greatly appreciated!!

karen draper
Hortus on 23 Aug 2016
Good luck Karen happy jumping
karen draper

Thanks team Hortus - you guys are legends - next jump one of you will have to do it!!

karen draper
Will Harris
Will Harris on 22 Aug 2016
You go girl
karen draper

Thanks Will! Have you have another lunch again soon too..

karen draper
Dazza Simpson
Dazza Simpson on 19 Aug 2016
Rather you than me Kazza
karen draper

Thanks Daz...Yes sometime I wonder "what the heck are you doing!" Might have to hit the pub afterwards..or maybe before :)

karen draper
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Aug 2016 and ended on 1 Oct 2016.