Dry July - Energy Drink Free to raise awareness for ME/CFS

$541 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in 23 days

I drink ALOT of 'V' so this month I am going cold-turkey. Please help support me and raise funds and awareness of ME within New Zealand.


Hi there. My name is Jeremy and I'm an addict.

No my addiction isn't alcohol - it's something much worse.....Energy Drinks.

The first thing I do in the morning is crack open a can of 'V' and call that my breakfast.

Throughout the day I drink numerous cans and the end result becomes approximately a litre or more every day.

This may seem hilarious to some but it's a major addiction and a serious problem.

The amount of caffeine and sugar inside energy drinks is ridiculous and I've become completely dependent on it to function in my day to day life.

For "Dry July" I have decided to challenge myself and go Energy Drink Free for the entire month.

For those that know me, especially those that work with me, barely see me without a can in my hand at almost any given moment.

I have set up this Givealittle page to raise awareness for a condition called ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) also know as CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) as I have personal ties with family and friends with this disorder.

This will be no easy walk in the park for me as I struggle to function physically and mentally without the "kick" I get from energy drinks.

Please help support me and raise funds and awareness of ME within New Zealand.

Any donations are greatly appreciated!

Jeremy Zinsli's involvement (page creator)

I have family and friends that experience ME/CFS and want to show my support for what they have to endure on a day to day basis

Latest donations

Rachel Thomas
Rachel Thomas on 31 Jul 2019
Good work
Joe Gallagher
Joe Gallagher on 29 Jul 2019
Great effort Brojack Jezzaman!
Peter Mitchell
Peter Mitchell on 26 Jul 2019
Juliet on 20 Jul 2019
Thanks so much for helping the ME/CFS Community! What a great idea for a challenge, I hope you get some great health benefits too and by helping others you'll be helping yourself x great stuff!
Shelly Hurn
Shelly Hurn on 20 Jul 2019
What a great cause

Who's involved?

Jeremy Zinsli's avatar
Created by Jeremy Zinsli
ANZMES's avatar
Paying to ANZMES
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Jul 2019 and ended on 31 Jul 2019.