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Simon O'Leary, General Manager Bidvest Foodservice Wellington

$70 of $1,000 goal
Given by 2 generous donors in 4 weeks

Please help us raise funds towards the re-introduction of Kiwi Can to the Wellington region and see me abseil from the Harcourts Building!!


I have worked for Bidvest last 20years. I Enjoy the challenge of work and the sector we are in. Am passionate about people and try and create a good work place to allow people to enjoy themselves while also ensuring the work is focussed and outputs achieved.

I enjoy having a great bunch of collegues to work with who do an amazing job 24 hours a day 6 days a week.

Its great to be able to employ from the local Porirua area that allows staff to be close to home.

We as a business try to support local charity as best we can and in our sector assisting foodbanks is a focus when opportunity arise.

As a company the GDF is a national initiative and is supported by the local branches and the funds raised by a contribution from sales of our branded nationally can be used for the support of the GDF.

Simon O'Leary's involvement (page creator)

I am the General Manager of Bidvest. As a company the Graeme Dingle Foundation is a national initiative and is supported by the local branches and the funds raised by a contribution from sales of our branded nationally can be used for the support of the GDF.

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Participating in

Drop Your Boss Wellington

Drop Your Boss Wellington will dare ‘droppers’ to plummet off the Harcourts Building to raise funds towards the re-introduction of Kiwi Can

Latest donations

JA on 16 Sep 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Sep 2016

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Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington's avatar
Paying to the verified bank account associated with Graeme Dingle Foundation Wellington (Charity)
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 Sep 2016 and ended on 15 Oct 2016.