Dylan's CutForCancer

$1,150 donated
Given by 26 generous donors in 11 weeks

I am Shaving my hair to fundraise for lung cancer


My name is Dylan, I have decided to shave my hair on April 22nd because my uncle recently passed away due to lung cancer and I want to help fundraise. I have been growing it since 17th September.

My uncle Nigel was so young and he battled for several years.

dylan Hamilton-Ralph's involvement (page creator)

My uncle recently passed away due to lung cancer and at his funeral I thought I would fundraise and start something called CutForCancer

Latest donations

Saifunae on 04 May 2021
Proud of you for what you're doing Dylan! So happy to see you today🤙🏽
Claire on 19 Apr 2021
Sarah on 17 Apr 2021
Awesome work Dylan so proud of you! Love Sarah xx
Patricia on 17 Apr 2021
So proud of you Dylan. Love Nanny Trish xx
John on 17 Apr 2021

Who's involved?

dylan Hamilton-Ralph's avatar
Created by dylan Hamilton-Ralph
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 Feb 2021 and ended on 22 May 2021.