
$400 donated
Given by 14 generous donors in around 3 months

We love to get outdoors and explore Mauao, and St Johns Ambulance is a charity close to everyone's hearts.

Bay of Plenty

We are a team of keen Mauao climbers based in the Bay of Plenty. Each year we participate in the Mount Everest challenge to raise funds for the charities selected.

The announcement that this years funds are going to be donated to St Johns Ambulance was information that is close to everyone's hearts. Mostly because this organization has likely had an impact on our friends and whanau at some point in time.

We look forward to undertaking this challenge for such a great cause.

Holly Scott's involvement (page creator)

Our team is passionate about fitness, outdoors, and local charities.

Participating in

More FM Mount Everest Challenge 2021

The Mount Everest Challenge is back for 2021. Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Bay Of Plenty St John Ambulance!

Latest donations

Malory on 19 Apr 2021
Brent on 12 Apr 2021
Good effort for a worthy cause
Lucy on 11 Apr 2021
Nice work ladies - a fantastic cause!
Maureen on 11 Apr 2021
good luck
Richard on 10 Apr 2021
Awesome stuff - give it heaps RD

Who's involved?

Holly  Scott's avatar
Created by Holly Scott
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 Feb 2021 and ended on 31 May 2021.