Eye Care for Africa - We are one

$25 of $10,000 goal
Given by 1 generous donor in one year

I believe we can create a better world when we unite. Even a small amount of money can help eye care become more accessible for Africans

Manawatu / Whanganui

The eyes are very important parts of our body. However, in some places on the Earth, people don't have access to eye care. So, I want to raise money to help more Africans access eye care.

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Time spent exercising: 4 hrs 42 mins
Total steps taken: 196,897

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Walk  17 June 2024

17 mins
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Private Donor
Private Donor on 19 Aug 2023

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QJ Vien's avatar
Created by QJ Vien
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This campaign started on 4 Aug 2023 and ends on 4 Aug 2025.