Day 30!
16 July 2017Day 30 of my Fasting for East Africa & Yemen Famine Fundraiser ended yesterday and it has been an experience.
But This is NOT the end! The Givealittle page is still open to NZ/international donations for another month and would of course welcome support from anyone with empathy & care for others like us living in a different continent under terrible conditions.
A huge heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has supported this to make a difference for others. Amazing people! Bless your generous hearts! I am sure there are extremely grateful families smiling as they access clean water and food supplies.
Catching up on updates and news on the crisis makes me cry, one from the heartbreaking issues and another from knowing that this money will really go far for some.
Over 30 million people in 4 countries are facing severe hunger. They're not hungry because of some diet program, or because they choose to miss morning tea. They actually have NO food. Adults and children. Even if they were trying their best to continue with their usual farming and lives etc, it is just out of their hands. It's a state of emergency really!
Thanks to longtime friend Suhaila Deni, for your support & advice during fasting. Funny it so happened that some of it coincided with Ramadan. I couldn't have done it without your help. A Big Thanks also to anyone who provided prayer support for the cause. I think to have hope, I have to believe in something greater too as humans are not able to always pull through for one another... though I think there is a lot more sharing/generosity in the affected places than we see in a developed country.
"Covering the world’s biggest hunger crises, I saw people with nothing give everything to save a life"
It has been another lesson as to the human limits of how much one is willing to care for other strangers, or sacrifice or give up for another in more need, especially when they are so far away. On the extreme end: 8 billionaires own the same wealth as the poorest 3.6 billion people! It also continues the learning journey of trying to understand how something like the Holocaust could happen with not much done by those overseas (sorry, end rant). end on a better note, thank you thank you thank you so much from me, from them. Ever so grateful!!!! This has been totally worth it!!