James' Fight for the SPCA

$1,148 donated
Given by 22 generous donors in 8 weeks

With your help, lets raise as much as we can for the SPCA who keep raising the bar for animal welfare in New Zealand.


I had been looking for another challenge, and a fight in Built for Battle was offered to me. Plus it is always good helping out a charity where possible, especially for an event like this where money is being raised for so many worthy causes.

A big thanks to Miles Continental Volkswagen & Skoda, along with Raxworthy European for sponsoring me in Built for Battle and giving me a chance to raise funds for a good cause..

I have chosen to raise funds for the SPCA, a charity I believe that does a lot of good for animals that do not get the love they deserve.

All funds raised will assist the SPCA with getting valuable resources that aid them in looking after the welfare of all animals in New Zealand.

James Tabak's involvement (page creator)

With Miles Continentals recent partnership with the SPCA, it was a very obvious choice for me to choose them as the receiving charity for the funds I raise. They are a top class charity who do extremely good work for all animals who have no voice. With very little government funding, they rely on donations from the public.

I believe the SPCA is a very worthy cause for all the hard work they do for all animals nationwide.

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Participating in

Built For Battle Charity Fight Night

Built for Battle, charity boxing event. 16 fighters are putting their body on the line to raise money for their chosen charity.

Latest donations

Simon n Helen
Simon n Helen on 30 Aug 2018
Good luck James, not that you'll need it I couldn't put a glove on ya
Caroline on 30 Aug 2018
Ruth Seeman
Ruth Seeman on 28 Aug 2018
Good luck James! Go well!
Ned Kelly
Ned Kelly on 27 Aug 2018
Knock him out first round James!
Gary Obie
Gary Obie on 26 Aug 2018
Good luck James hope you have a great night, great charity to raise funds for

Who's involved?

James Tabak's avatar
Created by James Tabak
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 5 Jul 2018 and ended on 30 Aug 2018.