Participating in FIT TO FIGHT CHALLENGE (December 2021)
Over 8 weeks, I'll be taking part in Boxing Alley's 'Fit to Fight' challenge, training like a boxer and raising funds for Oscar who is fighting Leukemia, and then putting everything to the test in a final body-sparring event on 11 December 2021.
Oscar won Round 1 of his cancer battle, being cancer free for 8 months.
Oscar had a couple of blood tests recently that were concerning followed by a bone marrow aspirate on the 1st April, and unfortunately AML (Leukaemia) cells are present again in Oscars bone marrow.
So it is Round 2 for Oscar, and any donations are welcomed and appreciated in support of his family.
New Date 8 May 2022
Hi everyone, we are underway again tomorrow with the start of the 8 weeks of training before the big event on either July 1 or 2!
Thank you so much for your support and we cannot wait to get going again after continued lockdowns have postponed us since this time last year! Bring it on.
Join us and support the participants of Boxing Alley's 'Fit To Fight' challenge who are fundraising for their chosen charities!