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$2,001 of $2,000 goal
Given by 33 generous donors in 10 weeks

Please support 'Team Fuller' to walk/run a marathon to help raise money for PWS research. J-man might even take a few steps :)


Our gorgeous son, Jasper or J-man as some of us call him, has a rare genetic condition - Prader-Willi syndrome, (PWS). So life is a wee bit harder for him...born with low muscle tone and delayed development. Later on in life there will be daily challenges with food and the fact he will never feel full after a meal. We don't want constant hunger to impact on Jasper's life in the future. The good news is several new drugs show great promise! Clinical trials are underway with money being the major factor in the length of time it will take to get them approved for our children. Thank you for your support - together we're creating a better future for people with PWS.

Participating in the Virtual Marathon for PWS Research 2016

Link to their fundraising page here: https://www.givealittle.co.nz/event/virtualmarathonforpws2016

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FAMILY TREK  25 April 2016

We did a trek on Waiheke. Jasper was in backpack and Sofia did half walking and half in backpack. Really lovely Saturday ramble. 5 more kms. :) Getting there - nearly 40 kms done in total. 2 more kms then we make a full marathon.

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eatfit on 25 Apr 2016
Thank you to everyone who has enabled us to reach our target of $2000 for prader-willi syndrome research in NZ
Laz on 14 Apr 2016
Hope it's not too late to donate! Go Team Fuller xxx
Good luck Monk family
Good luck Monk family on 05 Apr 2016
Hannah Wilkinson
Hannah Wilkinson on 28 Mar 2016
Good luck with the virtual marathon Jules. Hope you and your family are well and loving NZ life. This song is always on the radio lately and I've been meaning to say that it makes me think of Ecuador, you & Camille (I think we played it on the guitar a lot... Nearly 10 years ago!): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GjnadPBMJGs Lots of love H x
Jess, Nick and Toby
Jess, Nick and Toby on 28 Mar 2016
Well done Team Fuller!
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This campaign started on 16 Mar 2016 and ended on 27 May 2016.