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Fundraiser Night for Ovarian Cancer.

  • Cure Our Ovarian Cancer Contemporary Art event

      11 December 2023
    Main image

    The final amount donated was $1784.97. Thank you to all who helped make this event such a success. Our members send their heartfelt appreciation.

    Watch this space for more events in 2024!

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  • Thank you

      1 December 2023

    Soroptimist International of Wellington thank you for your support with our Contemporary Art event. It was a huge success and very much enjoyed by the guests who were able to attend. Cure Ovarian Cancer passes on their sincere thanks for your donation. Our club hopes to run another event in 2024.

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  • Recent update from Jane Ludemann speaking at recent My Life Matters event

      8 October 2023

    "Women with ovarian cancer continue to be impacted by lack of access to funded treatments in NZ. For example, bevacizumab (Avastin) isn't publicly funded here, but it is in 37 other countries. Inadequate medicine access affects hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders right now".

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  • Contemporary Art Event

      27 September 2023

    Thank you for your donations so far, much appreciated.

    September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness month, it's great to see such support.

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