Warm Hearts Winter Appeal Proudly Supported by Gallagher Chiefs

$305 of $17,150 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in 8 weeks

Let's help Variety give Kiwi kids a bed to call their own.


The Gallagher Chiefs are proud supporters of Variety - the Children's Charity, and we have set out to raise money and awareness for the Variety Warm Hearts Winter Appeal!

Let's help Variety give Kiwi kids a bed to call their own.

For too many Kiwi kids in our poorest communities, having their own bed is something they can only dream about. They sleep on couches, on the floor or share with siblings, which puts them at risk from preventable respiratory conditions like bronchiolitis and rheumatic fever.

Every child needs a bed of their own.

A proper bed, where they can rest their growing brains and bodies, heal when they are ill, and dream about their futures. At the end of a long, chilly day, cuddling down into their own warm bed is vital for a child’s wellbeing.

A warm, dry bed of their own helps a child stay healthy and out of hospital.

A healthy child is a child who can thrive, learn and dream.

Please make a donation to the Warm Hearts Winter Appeal, and let's help Variety reach their goal of providing new beds and warm bedding for 553 children.

Visit their website for more details - www.variety.org.nz/donate/winter-appeal-2021

Thank you for your support!

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Latest donations

Janine on 18 Jun 2021
A very important charity for our kids of Aotearoa, thank you Chiefs and Variety!
Mark on 07 Jun 2021
Worthy charity
DEBORAH on 06 Jun 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Jun 2021
Every child deserve to have there own bed & warm bedding
OJ on 06 Jun 2021

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Created by Gallagher Chiefs (Group)
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This campaign started on 3 Jun 2021 and ended on 31 Jul 2021.