After 2 knee replacement surgeries last year (11 weeks ago) this is a challenge for me physically/mentally but helps others
Bay of Plenty
I'm keen to help the Tauranga RDA as well as challenging myself. I had 2 knee replacements last year (the last 11 weeks ago) so this will be a challenge for me physically, mentally while doing good for another organisation
Have heard about the good work that is being done.
Just an update on how I'm going 19 March 2019
Well basically we are 4 weeks in, after being sore continually for 2 weeks, I can now get up and down in about 50 minutes.
Thanks for the encouragement I get. I didn't expect anyone to donate to me it was a challenge I needed to give myself to keep my self physically and mentally healthy during this challenging time for me.
So thanks guys - Just an update I have completed 22 circuits so that I'm over half way. Now that I'm on the downhill slide and have new shoes to help me get there.
The Mount Everest Challenge is back! Join us and Climb the Mount 38 times in 50 days to raise money for Tauranga Riding for the Disabled.