Get Nick to wear the Kilt to Work!

$1,000 of $1,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in 6 weeks

I've been given a Kilt! If I reach $1000 in donations on here I will wear it to work for a day. All money goes towards my MS treatment


A friend of mine, who now resides in Scotland visited this week and brought me a genuine Scottish Kilt. I figure, why not use it as a chance to not only raise money, but let some people pay me to embarrass myself by wearing it to work if I reach my goal. Easy Joke Right! All funds raised on this go direct to my fundraising for MS treatment in Singapore. Go to it guys!

Latest donations

Nurses and staff of scbu and kids ward Hastings
Nurses and staff of scbu and kids ward Hastings on 25 Jul 2016
Part of money raised from cake stall
Nick Perkins

AHHHH!!! The Kilt is a reality! Thanks Girls, You are all amazing!

Nick Perkins
Susan on 15 Jun 2016
Please wear it to mml as well ??
Nick Perkins

Thanks Susan, I'll do my best :-)

Nick Perkins
Gudsell's on 14 Jun 2016
We def wanna see this so we will get it rolling!! Hope u will be sticking to tradition with what is (or isn't) worn underneath hehehe
Nick Perkins

I'm not Shy, You should know that. I think I'll stick with a traditional scottish merkin as well?

Nick Perkins

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This campaign started on 14 Jun 2016 and ended on 31 Jul 2016.