Give back to our Environment!

$905 donated
Given by 25 generous donors in 4 weeks

To see, share and document how New Zealand once was, to show the impact we are having on our endangered natural ecosystems and give back!


We, Jack, Blake, Gabe, are venturing far from our civilised urban comforts into the heart of New Zealand's wildest and most remote places // by kayak // 2-3 weeks // Stewart Island Circumnavigation.

WHY? // In modern day society we forget about the value of the natural world, how powerful and how important it is not only to us, but to millions of other species. Birds, reptiles, fish, insects, plants all share the planet with us, we need to look after OUR world for us all and all those that will be!

DONATIONS // Everything raised will be donated to Forest and Bird, who are battling environmental issues and saving endangered species all over New Zealand. "Nature needs your support,

Supporting Forest & Bird is one of the best things you can do for New Zealand's environment. We need people like you to support us, so that nature will always have a voice." (Forest and Bird n.d.)

WHAT? // We are setting out on Monday the 15th of March, 2021, from Oban, Stewart Island in sea kayaks, (shout out to KayakHQ for support) packed full of 15 days of food, camping gear and emergency equipment to circumnavigate New Zealand's 3rd largest Island. This expedition will take us into some of the countries roughest seas and wildest weather not to mention paddling with great white Sharks and leopard Seals. Camping in rain and wind with sandflies for company. We want to fully immerse ourselves in the natural world that once existed all over New Zealand, to be one with the ecosystem, to share with you all and raise awareness how important it is to plant trees, trap pests, tidy up rubbish and look after our world.

This mission is supported by; Kayak HQ with an amazing Norse Sea kayak, Life Jackets and other kayaking gear, One Square Meal keeping us fed and happy.

Follow our mission with evening where we are and we are doing well message on our InReach link here:

Gabriel Vink Wackernagel's involvement (page creator)

We are setting out on a 2 - 3 week, sea kayak expedition to circumnavigate New Zealand's 3rd largest Island, Stewart Island, to experience and share importance of the natural world and help protect it!

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Kia Ora and thank you   12 April 2021

We are very stoked and thankful for all the encouragement and support on our expedition around Rakiura, Stewart Island. All your kind donations, totalling an awesome $905.00 is donated straight back towards protecting our endangered marine species, their homes and OUR world. To be more specific, supporting Forest & Bird with their Zero bycatch campaign, (To give our sea birds and marine mammals protection from those commercial fishing vessels.) and Marine reserves, which are sanctuaries for the underworld ecosystems. Kia ora, thank you and chur for helping us give back, please keep doing something everyday to give back to our environment.

Check out more about our expedition

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Andrew on 08 Apr 2021
Mel on 05 Apr 2021
Erika on 05 Apr 2021
Inspiring to know you Blake, Gabe & Jack are being true kaitiaki of our land & seas, walking the talk, or in your case, paddling for a purpose.
peter on 02 Apr 2021
Josie on 01 Apr 2021
Amazing adventure to raise awareness of the need for greater marine protection

Who's involved?

Gabriel Vink Wackernagel's avatar
Created by Gabriel Vink Wackernagel
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Mar 2021 and ended on 13 Apr 2021.