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Give for Cyclone Gabrielle!

$25,315 donated
Given by 149 generous donors in 8 weeks

Donate to the Rural Support Trust and get help to flood-affected farmers in New Zealand!

Hawke's Bay


Born in the warm, moist air above the Coral Sea, the severe Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle slammed into

the North Island of New Zealand on the 12th of February, 2023. By the time Gabrielle entered New Zealand territorial waters, it became the lowest-pressure weather system ever recorded in this part of the world. Cyclone Gabrielle wreaked havoc across multiple cities, towns and regions leaving behind unprecedented damage, broken lives, livelihoods, homes and farms. Some land may never recover. Farmers are faced with stark choices and a rebuild that will test their character and mental health to the limit.

In the days following the storm, the nation was on edge and as the communications were reestablished back to the region, the extent of the damage became apparent and so did the calls for help. That's when the team here at Te Pari knew we needed to do our part to help those affected.

Te Pari have put together a video featuring the stories of three farming families who survived the flood and have created a Give-A-Little page to fundraise for the Rural Support Trust.

Rural Support Trust is a charity that provides on-the-ground support and assistance to rural communities nationwide, through regional offices. 100% of donations will go to impacted communities.

East Coast Rural Support Trust chairperson Clint Worthington says “These donations won’t just go towards the next month or two, but will be helping farmers set up for the long-term as well,” Worthington says.

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Latest donations

Fiona on 30 Apr 2023
I hope this helps those in rural areas who are doing it tough, x
Jan on 07 Apr 2023
Elaine on 04 Apr 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Apr 2023
Seana on 29 Mar 2023
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This campaign started on 1 Mar 2023 and ended on 30 Apr 2023.