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Have a 'wild' time this Christmas.

on 1 Dec 2020

Sarah asks

Hi, it will soon be Saturday, and we were just wondering where we can pick up the tree, as we have not heard anything in regards to how we go about doing so. If you could email us at, it would be appreciated. Kind regards.

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on 19 Nov 2020

Sarah asks

Hi, I am interested in purchasing a tree for our family, but was wondering if a size of tree can be requested, as we would want it to fit the space. We need a tree 6 feet tall, and up to a metre wide at the widest part. Thanks.


Hi, yes there will be a variety of tree sizes available on the day. But please be aware, they are wilding pines and arent pruned and uniformed like you would expect from a tree farm. We would love to have you involved either way



Khan Adam

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