Help Heart Kids help others

$1,535 of $5,000 goal
Given by 27 generous donors in 7 weeks

Heart Kids supported and continue to support our family, I would like to do my part and give back to them.


Learning my third nephew was on his way was such an exciting time for our family! But unfortunately the excitement was soon clouded by worry and fear when Xavier was diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Defect. Part of the diagnoses: Double Outlet with Right Single Ventricle and a Criss Cross AV Valve. This means Xavier’s oxygen levels are dangerously lower than normal. It also meant Xavier had to be born at Star Ship Hospital in Auckland where he lived for the first five months of his precious life while undergoing two open heart surgeries.

My brother and sister-in-law had to uproot their lives in Christchurch to be with Xavier while juggling a home, work and two older children. They’re such strong people and I genuinely do not know how they managed!

There is no cure for Xavier’s condition which means more testing and surgeries in the future, however Heart Kids have pledged to stand by my brother and sister-in-law. They have already made such an impact on my brother and sister-in-law’s lives by providing endless support and advice!

Heart Kids is a small but amazing Charity who don’t get as much funding as they should. They support so many families throughout New Zealand and it would be great if we can help to support them. I’m paying it forward by putting my body on the line for a Charity boxing fight with the goal of raising $5,000 for Heart Kids (and hopefully winning my boxing fight).

Get behind me and donate if you are willing and able, every bit counts! Also please share this link, the more awareness the better ❤️❤️

Thanks to the legends at I Pave for sponsoring my boxing fight! I Pave concrete was founded in 1998. They are Canterbury owned and operated and easily recognised by our brightly coloured fleet of vehicles. I Pave’s owner and manager Daryl McLachlan has over 35 years of industry experience and oversees a specialised team of over 80 staff. I Pave specialise in earthquake repairs, new homes and commercial properties. Our products include plain concrete, coloured concrete, stamped concrete, exposed aggregate, stencilled concrete, paving and asphalt. We also have a team that specialise in concrete cutting.

Shiloh Anthony's involvement (page creator)

Heart Kids are a small Charity that supports families who’s worlds have been turned upside down by the news of their child’s heart defect. Heart Kids supported and continue to support our family, I would like to do my part and give back to them.

Participating in

Built For Battle Charity Fight Night

Built for Battle, charity boxing event. 16 fighters are putting their body on the line to raise money for their chosen charity.

Latest donations

Sue Treleaven
Sue Treleaven on 30 Aug 2018
Great cause Shiloh xx
Chelsea & Jeremy Roycroft
Chelsea & Jeremy Roycroft on 30 Aug 2018
Awesome work Shiloh!
Michelle & Antony :)
Michelle & Antony :) on 30 Aug 2018
All the best girl! Your gonna smash it :)
NigelG on 29 Aug 2018
Nice one Shazza
Charlotte on 29 Aug 2018
Smash it chick xx

Who's involved?

Shiloh Anthony's avatar
Created by Shiloh Anthony
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Jul 2018 and ended on 30 Aug 2018.