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Help Jules in her battle with Melanoma

on 28 Jul 2018

Deborah asks

Hello David,

Were you told by oncologist that Keytruda is not funded in NZ? NZ government started funding in 2016. I had 7 mths of Keytruda last year for Stage 4 melanoma which was successful. I wasnt aware that it is no longer funded or is it only funded for different stages of melanoma?



Hi Debbie

You are correct in that certain types of melanoma are now government funded through Keytrude at stage 4. Julia has been diagnosed to be at Stage 3c. Her melanoma oncologist advised her to not wait and to start treatment immediately even though she would not receive funding at that stage. Hence this page.

Its great news and very heartening to hear that your treatment was successful. All the best.

David Fredericks

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