Help Me Help Habitat Give Power to New Zealand Families this Winter

$306 donated
Given by 11 generous donors in 18 days

I'll be going without basic appliances to prepare my meals to support Habitat for Humanity. Your donation can help power a family.


To support Habitat for Humanity, I am going to go without the use of basic appliances that I would normally use everyday to make my meals for one week (starting 26 July). Instead, I'll be relying on the use of small camping cookers to heat my food. I understand that using electricity to power an oven, a microwave or stove is a luxury that some families simply can't afford.

Imagine having to make the choice of using your electricity to keep your family warm or to cook a meal for your children.

Over 300,000 New Zealand families living in unacceptable living conditions. 21.2% of New Zealanders live in houses that are too cold and 21.% of New Zealanders live in houses affected by dampness. Habitat is working hard to make a change for families in need.

Did you know, on average, a power bill for a family of 4 costs $5.60 per day? And this becomes even more expensive during the winter! The additional cost of winter heating blows this out up to an extra $10 per day. Living in a healthy home can make all the difference to a family.

Please join me in supporting Habitat - a small donation of just $5 can heat a family in need's home for half a day, and $10 can heat their home for a whole day.

Please donate if you can - any donation of any size is much appreciated.

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Latest donations

Michael on 02 Aug 2021
Jackson on 01 Aug 2021
Denyse on 28 Jul 2021
Hope it goes well for you :)
Rachel on 26 Jul 2021
cass on 25 Jul 2021

Who's involved?

Christa Brandt's avatar
Created by Christa Brandt
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Jul 2021 and ended on 6 Aug 2021.