Help Prevent Suffering of Beloved Raro Beach Dogs

$245 donated
Given by 5 generous donors in 6 weeks

Help me to raise money for the ongoing care of the beautiful Raro dogs in the Cook Islands

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

I recently visited the beautiful Cook Islands on holiday. Many of my friends won't be surprised to learn that after a very short time I started meeting some of the locals - the famous Raro beach dogs! These lovely, gentle hounds frequent areas where tourists spend their time. One in particular, a young female called Lady, stole my heart.

I was saddened to learn that there is a huge problem with dogs on the island. The majority of these dogs aren't desexed and consequently animal numbers are rising - the SPCA is doing their best to desex as many animals as they can - but funds are limited.

Please help me to raise money for these dogs - to save as many as possible and to desex, feed and provide ongoing care of these beautiful dogs.

EVERY dollar/penny will make a difference to these dogs, as a little can go a long way! Your donation will go straight to the SPCA to help alleviate this heart-wrenching situation. Thank you for your support!

Rosemary x

Rosemary Lothian's involvement (page creator)

I spent time at the Cook Islands SPCA and recognised the heroic effort being put into the welfare of the dogs on the island. My wish is to provide a donation to further their work.

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Latest donations

Deborah on 08 Apr 2022
Laura Barton
Laura Barton on 26 Mar 2022
Hope this helps those sweet doggies! πŸ˜˜πŸ’–
Ann on 21 Mar 2022
I hope they can get the help they need 😊🐾🐾
Yvonne on 21 Mar 2022
Rosemary on 21 Mar 2022

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Created by Rosemary Lothian
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This campaign started on 16 Mar 2022 and ended on 30 Apr 2022.